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Way More Than Words

SEO & Technical Writing

About Iris Rogers

I'm a writer, editor, and researcher. My business, Way More Than Words Writing & Editing helps busy creators and founders with too many projects and not enough time to create and curate essential content that builds awareness and trust.

I craft content your audience will understand and appreciate.

  • Does your product seem technically complex and therefore challenging to convey simply?

  • Does your topic seem to defy categorization and therefore challenging for others to understand at first?


Let me help you with those challenges. I'm adept at learning technical information quickly and conveying it to your audience persuasively.

Technical Content | SEO Copy

I work with ideas, numbers, and graphs, and  organize seemingly disparate pieces of content into clearly flowing thoughts and processes. I've written about SaaS, solar energy, API platforms, networking and telecommunications, and geothermal exploration.
Words, visualizations, and insights conveyed simply can instill a greater understanding of your product with your audience.


Please reach out to me and leverage my more than 20 years of writing and editing in technology and marketing to grow your business. Let me create content for you that informs, builds trust, and shows the benefits of your product.


Services offered...

dragonfly drawn in sepia ink


I'm always looking for exciting opportunities and ways to provide value. Let's connect!

+1 707-321-6023

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